Ask A Question

If you have an account in our office, please fill out the information below and one of our collection specialists will assist you.

This is a communication from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Welcome to Valentine & Kebartas, LLC

Valentine and Kebartas, LLC (V&K) provides collection services to public and private sector clients. We offer a broad range of service types and options to our clients to assist with their accounts receivable management needs.

We have been a leader in the industry with a reputation of providing best practices that result in a high level of recoveries and compliance.

We are licensed, bonded and insured to do business in all 50 states, including Puerto Rico. We are a “Certified HUBZone” small business.

We would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We are confident after you review the site you will have a better understanding of exactly how we do business. Enjoy your time and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us toll free at (800) 731-7766.


 Privacy Policy

 SMS Policy

“Valentine and Kebartas, LLC has a very strict privacy policy. We do not sell or share mobile numbers”.


Nevada license (FCA1076) / Compliance Manager license  (CM12047)